Martin Hofmann was born on 31 March 1978 in České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

In the year 2000 he graduated from the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (DAMU). During his studies he began to appear as a guest actor and later was offered a permanent engagement in Prague Theatre Rokoko. His carrier as a freelance actor opened with a collaboration with Dušan D. Pařizek in the play The Bandits, and guest appearances in Prague's theatres Bez zábradlí. Radek Brzobohatý Theatre, Viola Theatre, Theatre In Řeznická.

His most numerous collaborations have been with the actors' troupe Kašpar, with which he performs to date In the Theatre in Celetná. Under the direction of Jakub Špalek, Filip Nuckolls or Alexandr V. Minajev he appeared as pied piper in Dyk's Krysař (The Pied Piper), as Don Juan In Marter's Don Juan In Soho or Horatio in Hamlet. More recently he appeared as Rostand's Cyrano. Stavrogin in Dostoevsky's Demons and pawnbroker In The Gentle Creature also by Dostoevsky, as Tybalt or Stoppard's Gulldenstem In the play Rosencrantz and Gulldenstem Are Dead. In the current season he appearead as a guest actor In the National Theatre In the play Troilus and Cresslda directed by David Radok.

Actor/Actor-TV Filmography

Nevinné lži (2013, TV series), Béžci (2012, TV), Terapie (2011, TV series),. Kriminálka Andél (2011, TV series), Zakázaný člověk (2009, TV), Kdopak by se vlka bál (Who's Afraid of the Wolf, 2008, Feature Film for Children), Zlatá muška (2007, TV), Hezké chvilky bez záruky (Pleasant moments, 2006), Hranice (2006, TV), The Brothers Grimm (2005), Ulice (2005, TV series), Mörderische Suche (2004, TV), Silný kafe (Bitter Coffee, 2004), PF 77 (2003, TV), Pemiková věž (2002), Hanele (1999).

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